Monday, May 18, 2009

Gerber Park

Last week my friend Patti got a new swingset for her son and promptly went on vacation. So being the good friends that we are we offered to go and check on it a couple times while they were away. It is really amazing! Combined with their trampoline and various little tikes structures and cars in the beautiful setting of their enormous backyard we couldn't help but rename it Gerber Park!

If you look closely you can see Jacob in the back in his car seat.

Jon and Brian squeeze into the little house. There was enough room for Stella too but she wouldn't go in. TeeHee.

Serious Jacob!

You would never know this adorable little guy pooped so bad earlier in the week that I actually threw the clothes he had on in the garbage. It was by far the most horrific diaper I have ever had to change for either child and of course.....we were in public! sigh!

My pretty girl...all worn out and rosey cheeked after jumping on the trampoline.
This week she started asking me "what are you up to Mommy?" but she combined it with her previous favorite..."What are you doing Mommy?" So we ended up with "What are you doing up to Mommy?" so cute!

1 comment:

Susan said...

*sigh* We live too far away! :-(