Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

Today is a day to celebrate Father's! I happen to have a husband who is the Father of 2 amazing children and he should be celebrated to the fullest extent...
You can't really tell but both kids are wearing shirts that say Daddy Rocks the house!
Stella...being two and all....wasn't feeling the whole photo moment!
So We focused on Jacob! AND We Went to Red Robin for dinner...yummy!
I love this shot of Brian lookin at totally captures the joy and love he has for his little girl! Jacob, below, is essentially just licking his new tooth. TeeHee!
And smiling.....

and grunting.....
and squealing and clapping.....

When we got home we checked out Stella's new little house....a great deal at $0 since a friend of a friend of is moving and didn't want to drag said house with them....YAY for us!!
How Stella got Daddy in there is beyond me! She loves the doorbell!
It is hard for me to believe this is Brian's THIRD Father's day! How could time go so slow and fast all at the same time!? Actually it is his 4th because I made a celebration out of it when I was pregnant!
I made Brian pankakes while I was preg with Stella!
He liked them very much and that was the last day our house was clean!
Love you Brian!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Last day the house was clean—ahahahahahahahahahahaha!