Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jacob's milestones!

Last Saturday Jacob turned 7 months old. I had planned to write him a letter of sorts but like so many things concerning Jacob, time didn't allow it. I thought having a second child I would be able to enjoy each phase and moment in a way I couldn't as a first time mom with Stella. The first time around you are just so nervous about every little thing!!! The fact is I have missed far more of Jacob's moments just trying to manage these two scamps! But Jacob is amazingly sweet and quick to smile loves any bit of love and attention he gets from us. He has had a few milestones in the past week or so and I managed to get these great shots of him to show off his most impressive new trick...sitting up! I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to plop him down on the floor and see him sitting up with his hair sitting up even higher than he does. He loves it too and looks all around and loves smacking the floor and another trick....clapping!!! And of course...banging things together! So neat to see him progressing and bittersweet too as I see him leaving other stages behind never to be seen again. Yesterday he started a funny growl type thing that we can't quite figure out.

The last couple of weeks have been rather challenging to down right brutal at times as our good sleeper decided not to be a good sleeper any more. Many nights we were (actually Brian was) up feeding, comforting and the like as he was sick with a viral infection. To add to the fun Stella was sick too and I have had a lot of photo jobs and work...although good it is also stressful. One night Stella had us up till 2am and Jacob started fussing around 4am! Thankfully, he seems to be a bit more on track going to bed around 7 and up at the painful hour of 5-5:30am. We plead with him for another 45 mins and he claps and grins. We can't help but smile and I think can speak for Brian when I say these early morning moments have yielded some very special times with our little guy that he doesn't get during the distracting hours of Stella to Stella.

I noticed that he was doing a funny pucker with his mouth and wondered if that meant teething. The drool and the need to chew on anything from my shirt to his own toes gave it away. It started about 2 weeks ago sure enough....Jacob cut his first tooth today. I love his gummy smile and will be sad to see it go but am hopeful that this cutting will give us all that extra 45 mins we so badly need.

So here are some pics of Jacob that I adore and think totally capture his personality!

Can't decide which one I love more....above or below...

ahhhhh....getting a tad tired....he is actually looking at Stella...who he ADORES but she still doesn't care so much for him. sigh.

In other exciting news....I got Stella this adorable Kitchenette on Craigslist for super cheap and she loves it! We are also excited that she will be getting her big girl bed this weekend!!!! Not sure when the actual move will occur but at least it is a start!
I shoot another wedding this sunday and then a couple more weeks of jobs and hopefully a bit of time off to relax! So happy to be getting so much work but looking forward to a little break!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Numbers 2 and 6, definitely.