Friday, July 17, 2009

Waterfalls, Fountains and Dragonflies

Last week Stella, Jacob and I went over to Sayen Gardens. This beautiful park is not five minutes from our house and is just a nice place to 'run fast' as Stella loves to say and do. I told her we were going to look for waterfalls....which is pretty much any sort of flowing water from lawn sprinklers, and drains to dripping of any kind. We strolled and ran and I tried to explain the difference between fountains and waterfalls and then decided it really didn't matter. We had a really nice time and as usual I took lots of pics.
Click on the photo if you want to see it big!

My pretty girl.

TeeHee...Jacob is so happy!

I love this shot with just his hair sticking up!

Stella showing me a rock that she must have and yes, she still does.

Jacob giving me his get me outta this thing look.

This was a close as Stella would get to Jacob. Sigh.

She loves him though.
In this one she is actually telling me 'all done' and she ran
I got her to come back but this was all she would give me.

Sweet Boy

Jacob being Jacob
Stella looking for the dragonfly

Here it is!

I can never choose between color and bw so you get both.

1 comment:

The Animator's Wife said...

Great shots this week Jen. Those few on the squares are adorable... such great expressions.

BTW, showed a friend all your Romania pics just last week. They were amazed-- especially compared to what we had taken over the course of that year (ours are pretty lousy). It was so perfectly captured by you! And fun to look through-- again.