Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Special Day!

Stella started preschool yesterday and she did GREAT! She was so excited and even let me braid her hair a few times to get it right. Jacob had gotten up at 5:30am so was back down napping while I got her ready and we took some pics with Brian before he left for work. When I told her it was time to go get Jake she ran up the stairs and bounced into his room saying "Get up little man, it's a special day!"

Although she wouldn't put it on it was so cute!

The kids were asked to bring a teddy bear with them the first day of class. Here is Stella making sure Brannen was in her bag. Brian bought her that bear while I was pregnant with her. So sweet!

Looking so grown up! I know I have been saying that a lot lately. sniff sniff.

I asked her to stand by the sign and she kept saying....No mommy, school is this way!

She went right in and got to playing with the other kids.

Never even looked back at me! I knew she would be fine but geesh!
After I left Jacob and I got in the car and he stared at me while I cried.

She was sooo excited when I came to pick her up and couldn't stop smiling!

This is one of the cutest sights she was thrilled to wear that backpack!
All in all she did amazing and she was even really nice to Jacob the rest of the day so that was a treat. She also shocked Brian and I later when she drew an almost perfect S in chalk in front of the house. She had never done that before! We are quite sure it wasn't anything that happened at school but still pretty cool. It was a wonderful feeling to see Stella so confident and excited and I hope tomorrow goes just as well!
Today is Brian's mom's birthday and I love knowing that she is smiling down on her little namesake Stella Barbara and keeping an eye on her!

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