Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I took these pictures of Jacob last Friday...the day before he had his first haircut. I LOVE Jacob's hair. It is soft and just looks so cool to me. Sadly though a mullet was forming in back and as amusing as that was I knew it was time. To me though it is the end of his true baby look. Although he is still very much my baby and I love the feeling of his sticky fingers on my face when I give him a bottle and how he pats my shoulder when I carry him and how he grabs my arm when he is in his high chair and how he smiles when I open his door and how he still very faintly smells baby.....he will now do all of these things looking more boy. Much like his hair these things will fade away soon as he moves from bottle to sippy and highchair to booster and will walk on his own. UGH! So hard to see this little guy turning one and I wish I could go back...just a teeney bit and savor the moments a little more than I did. Not too far back of course, I do enjoy my sleep! A little early for resolutions but I am really going to try and enjoy more and not settle for feeling like I am just trying to endure. Time goes to fast to waste it on that.

Jacob got a fat lip that morning in music class. Rugged little dude.

Me and my little man

Love his chubby fingers and the shaggy hair!

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