Sunday, February 24, 2008

Better late than never!

We probably should have started this blog on April 23rd, 2005, when Jennifer and I got married...or on December 28th, 2006, when our daughter Stella was born. But sometimes life gets in the way and you forget to do these things. So, better late than never.

Anyway, this is mostly for us but if you happen to stumble across it feel free to explore. First, a quick introduction as to where we are in our lives today, February 24th, 2008. Jen & I live in Central New Jersey in a town called Robbinsville. It's a growing town for sure, which is good and bad. There are still large plots of undeveloped land which is really nice. But there are also thousands of new homes being built all around us. It's a town in transition, that is for sure. We've lived here for just about 2 years now after we both did long stints in New York City (over 30 years between the 2 of us). We met in 2002 and our lives have never been the same!

We're really writing to try and keep track of the progress in our little one's life. Our daughter Stella is amazing and each day it seems she discovers something new. She's just about 14 months old now and not quite walking but very close to it. Every day she amazes us with something new. Just yesterday she said "car" for the first time, and also looked up at me when I was changing her and smiled and said "daddy". If that doesn't melt your heart nothing will! She's a really neat little girl and it's amazing to see how she's changed in the last year, as you can see!

That's all for now. Hopefully we'll do a good job of keeping this up to date!

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