Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dancing Stella!

Earlier this week, when Jen's parents were in town (and before I was stricken with Pink Eye, gross!), we went over into Washington Town Center to listen to some music. Every Tuesday night in July they have a live band perform at the gazebo on the lake. We went a few times last year when Stella was a little one and she was completely oblivious. I didn't know what to expect this year. The concerts don't start until 7, which is just about when she is going down for the night. But we took a chance and I'm so glad we did because this was probably the cutest I've ever seen Stella in her 18 months of life! We got there and the band had already started. They were playing classic rock, probably not Stella's favorite genre, and they were a bit loud. So I wasn't sure she would go for it. She wanted out of her stroller almost immediately after we got there, and after we took her out she made a beeline right for the stage. At first I was mortified as no other kids were up that close. But Stella put on a show for everyone, dancing like crazy (which basically means spinning in circles and shaking her butt periodically). It was insanely adorable. Soon other kids rushed the stage as well and they had a little mini-mosh pit going. Stella was just overjoyed, seeing all these other kids running around. She got knocked on her butt once and we had quite a few near misses, but she was loving it. She ran out of steam after a half hour or so (I could tell because she was trying to sit in various people's chairs), so we scooped her up and headed home. Hopefully we'll catch the other shows this year and remember to get some video next time. Here are some photos that Grandma took!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Oh, could she be any sweeter!! She and Ryan will be the hit of the prom, hee hee!