Saturday, July 26, 2008

Trip to Sayen Gardens!

We had a great day with Stella today, but before I get to that, we have to mention the new challenge that has entered our lives. Bath time has never really been too easy with Stella but we settled into a pretty good groove for a while and she seemed to tolerate it, and sometimes even had fun. Well, those days are over and we are baffled as to why! For the last couple of weeks she has refused to sit in the tub. She'll just stand and whimper most of the time, before she reaches her breaking point and tries to climb out. This is usually when her hair is full of shampoo, so things tend to get challenging at that point. But now things have really taking an odd turn as she has gone from being unhappy in the tub to being downright frightened. We tried a new toy tonight, an auto-bubble blower that sticks to the wall. She absolutely loves bubbles and this helped for a few minutes, but not enough. She still wouldn't sit. Then she just started freaking out. Like total panic mode. I took her out of the tub because I felt so bad for her, and she hadn't really been cleaned at all. Who knows what is going on. Our next tactic may be for me to get in with her to see if that helps. In the meantime, we have a dirty (but cute!) little girl.

Anyway, on to today's fun. Jen had a photo shoot in the morning so Stella and I hung out and took a quick trip to Lowe's. After her afternoon nap, we drove over to Sayen Gardens and she had a blast running around. Fortunately, most of the areas we were in were shady so she didn't get too overheated. She loved running down the paths in the woods and checking out the fountain. There were 3 weddings going on there this afternoon so we couldn't really explore as much as we probably would have liked. But we had fun anyway. When we got home, daddy needed a nap but Stella B was still ready to go! Actually, she was mostly ready to watch Blue's Clues while daddy snoozed...

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