Monday, April 14, 2008

A New Record!

Wow, what a weird, out of sorts kind of day! I took a vacation day (my first of the year) and went for a hike while mom and Stella went to the gym and then grocery shopping. Coincidentally enough, we both got home at the same time, so we brought in the groceries and put Stella down for her nap. Um, 4 hours later she woke up! A new napping record! She actually probably would have gone a bit longer but we went to get her when she started making some noise. I don't know that she slept all that time but she was extremely quiet for most of it. We discovered a book in her crib when we got her up so who knows, maybe she was reading? Anyway, after we got her up we went to Tony Luke's for an early dinner because mom had a craving for cheesesteaks (a craving? Huh...). Anyway, the whole break in our routine has me confused but Stella is now down for the night so it's all good. All in all, a good day with our beautiful, sleepy girl...

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