Saturday, December 13, 2008

So far behind!

I never thought it would be so hard to do the one thing I do so much I don't think much of it??? Wha? Can you tell I am tired? I am talking about taking pictures! Even harder than taking them now is looking at them editing them and sending them to anyone or putting them on the blog! I used to wonder why people didn't take as many shots of the 2nd, 3rd etc child as the first and thought it was because the novelty has worn off. Now I know it is because it is dang near impossible! Poor Jake has only had hundreds of photos of him taken as opposed to Stella who easily into the 1000's by this point in her life. TeeHee.

Anyway, we had a very busy week from seeing our good friend Jon Henkel last Saturday and putting up our tree....having the playgroup holiday party where Santa came to visit.....Uncle Jim came to visit and meet Jacob and then meeting up with Ryan to go see Santa at the mall.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it...or is it because I only got a few hours sleep last night? We tried to move Jake into his own room and crib and it didn't go very well. yikes! are some pics from the week and I will try to be better about posting!

Stella, Brian and Jon picking out the tree! Jon helps us with this task each year and we are so grateful and it is a fun time!
Stella, Mommy, Daddy and Jake in stroller!
All decorated!
Family shot!
Jake meets Jonny2H!

Playgroup Holiday Party Pics
Jake and Stella together and neither one is crying! WooHoo!
The Nifty Nine playgroup kids!
Jake and McCullough-the playgroups newest members are one month apart.
Santa made an appearance at the playgroup party! So fun!
Stella was not too sure what she thought of that!
That night sleeping on Daddy!
FINALLY Our Trip to the Mall!
Jake looking like an angel in his stroller at the mall!
Handsome Ryan!
Stella trying to decide which direction to run in!
Pretty Stella! Almost 2!

Jake one month Stella 23 months!

Ryan and Stella with Santa in 2007!
They are growing up too fast!

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