Friday, October 9, 2009

ELEVEN months!

Jacob turned 11 months old on...what is today? Well, the that day. I think it was Tuesday. No really, what is today? My mother asked if I had seen some story on the news lately and umm...I can't honestly recall the last time I saw the news. I did catch a few mins of the Today show for some reason this week and heard that Kate is broke. Not sure that really counts as news though. I'm not really complaining about being so out of touch at times that I don't know the date or the latest news it is just weird and sometimes it hits me just how in my bubble I am.
None of this has ANYTHING to do with the fact that Jacob is now 11 months old....other than he is a big part of the bubbleness. To say the year went fast is just say it was a blurr is say I am sad he will be a year old in mere weeks seems odd but I will be. BUT, to say that I adore the stink out him is spot on. He is just about the sweetest little guy ever. He does this thing when I pick him up sometimes where he burrows he head into my neck and shoulder-almost like he is coy or shy or something. It makes me melt. Also he can stare at you with NO expression whatsoever and then ease into this astoundling smile that just makes you giggle. No matter where we take him people comment on how adorable he is and usually his hair, which is sandy blonde and soft as feathers and well, getting a tad long. I am dreading cutting it but it is getting a little mulletesque in the back. He thrives on the slightest bit of attention and will chew on anything...including the large rubber mats they use at music class. He does this by essentially shoving his face on the floor since it is too large to pick up. Cute but awkward. He still gets screamed at many times a day by his big sister who will also make an effort now and again to chase him up the stairs or even almost play with him...sort of. He is strong though and a recent tug of war over a hula hoop was a tie! She had better watch out. He has really made our family complete and each day we feel so blessed that he is the amazing little man that he is. We will like him even more when he stops biting and pulling that dang card out of the cable box.

I have taken 100's...many 100's of photos of him to try and get one for his b'day invite and here are a few that didn't make the cut but are worth sharing.

His blank but cute stare

Super smiles!
He isn't a huge fan of pictures right now so kept climbing up on me to get the camera.
Finally gave up and crawled away~ I love his bum!
My handsome little man!
I didn't want to leave Stella out! I got this adorable shot of her at a birthday party we went to last weekend. She wore the hosts old t-shirt as a smock for the pumkin painting and I just thought it was so dang cute! She seems to really like fall and all the "Boo's" hanging up and the scarecrows and her absolute favorite...the punknigs! Brian keeps correcting her to say pumpkin and I know it is the right thing to do but I just love hearing her say it. TeeHee.

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