Monday, January 11, 2010

Cell phone stuff

I took a couple pics today of Stella and Jacob watching West Side Story for the 1,000th time. It is the ONLY thing that they will sit and watch for more than 5 minutes. They LOVE it. Stella asks for specific scenes and then runs aorund the room dancing during the big dance numbers. She also tells her many stuffed friends stories about Tony and Maria and the Jets and the Sharks while she should be napping. It is so adorable. So here they were totally engrossed today and all I could find was my cell phone.

Yes, the coffee table is pushed up there to keep Jacob from pushing all the buttons!

Then I stumbled on this shot in my cell phone.
Last week I took the kids to the dr and Stella noticed this sign and said...
Why is the P riding the bike mommy...that's silly.
This is another cell phone shot of Jacob's favorite way to use Stella's new Easel. He seems to love to crawl into and under things...even some things he doesn't fit in or can't really get out of...see below....

Perfectly happy about this spot till he tried to get out of it.
I'm sure I have lots more little cell phone moments but thought these were worth sharing.


Lauren said...

LOVE these!

Susan said...

I love seeing pics of your kiddos. :-) Jake looks so happy tucked in his little spaces.

I had to borrow WSS from the library to show to my 2 after they saw Stella and Jake liked it and they had no idea what you were talking about. :-)