Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today is Father's Day and Brian is truly to be celebrated today. He is a wonderful Father who adores his beautiful children and though he has been up since 6am with one blessing we call Jacob is still happily building a fort with the other one....Stella, as I type this.
I enjoyed looking at all the pics from my past mother's days so thought I would do the same for him today.
Technically I was only pregnant for this Father's day but I still consider it his first because he was so excited about becoming a daddy!
Now a Father's day tradition.....breakfast he is when Stella was small enough to keep on the table. Now....we try to keep her off the table!
This Father's day was extra special, we spent it with my own Father and I was preg with Jacob AND Stella started walking a teeeney bit on her own that day as we waited for our table at breakfast.

Last year's Father's day was great because we knew our family was complete (phew) and even though Stella wouldn't go near Jacob and he squealed all through dinner at Red Robin we had a lot to celebrate.
Here are the McGann scamps today in their matching My dad Rocks t-shirts
We almost got Stella to get sorta close to Jacob. Love those smiles!
One of many reasons Stella is such a Daddy's girl! Again, she kept saying!

Here is Jacob saying my dad is mad dope. Tru Dat little man!

Stella helped me come up with the top 20 reasons (in no particular order) to love and appreciate daddy!

1. Tubby time-Daddy comes up with the best tubby games....mommy is all about getting clean.
2. Trips to the pet store!
3. He handles LOTS of 5:30am Jacob-wake up calls! Thanks hon!
4. He lets me play with his cell phone even though I know it drives him bonkers.
5. You read me books, tell me stories and sing me songs at bedtime.....even songs you make up!
6. I want to go downstairs!
7. The swings and slides!
8. You wave bye bye to me in my window from goldie (our nickname for his car)in the morning when you leave for work.
9. Sometimes you let me 'help' you get ready for work in the morning.
10. You change Jacob's diapers when he stinks.
11. You endure Noggin!
12. You love me and mommy and even Jacob and tell us every day!
13. Pretzel picnics, Peddie Lake picnics, and surprise picnics!
14. Chutes and Ladders, Candy land, the Ladybug Game and Animal Scramble all in the same hour....or even half hour....or even 15 minutes!
15. You go to work every day so I can have a pretty room and Jacob and I can have cool clothes and Mommy can buy black shirts.
16. You pretend going to Barnes and Noble to watch me play with the train table is really fun.
17. Tag, lots of tag! Again!
18. You aren't ashamed to have tea parties with me.
19. You are patient and I have proof.....these 2 photos and the blog entry on the circus!

And Finally.....
20. You couldn't have been happier to make whatever this is.........

We love you Brian!!!!! Thanks for all you do to be an amazing daddy!

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