Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sweet Stella

Stella helped me give Jacob a bath this morning and though water was EVERYWHERE she rubbed his tummy with the washcloth and seemed to have fun. Great progress since she really doesn't interact with him at all. After his bath I had him on the floor of his room where I had gotten him dressed and he proceeded to fall asleep. Stella was playing in the room and when she noticed he was asleep she went right up to him to get a close up look. It was so cute. I asked her if she wanted to touch him...she NEVER says yes! This time she reached out and touched his little fingers and then looked up at me and smiled. After staring at him for another minute or so she held her finger up to her mouth and told me ssshhhhh...Jakey sleeping! How stinking cute is that!!??
Another insanely cute thing she did this afternoon was while we were coloring in the Kitchen. My parents gave her a beautiful table for her birthday with chairs my brother and I used as kids. The table is a tad big for where we have it but she loves being close by while I am cooking. Right now there is a cup of crayons on it and we color off and on throughout the day. So today I sat on the floor and colored and she got up from her little chair and came over and put her head on my shoulder and leaned up against me! I just melted. How could you not. What a sweet genuine moment. I had to blog about it so I never forget it. She is such a neat little girl. VERY feisty but so loving and fun. Last week was a tough one for us but this week she was just a doll and I love her to bits and bits.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Great post, Jen. Yes, write about and remember those little moments because they'll be lost in the blur after a year or so.... :-(

Such sweet days. I am glad she's starting to take to Jake. :-)