Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Weekend!

My parents came to visit us this past weekend for my mom's birthday-Happy Birthday! We decided to go to Point Pleasant Beach on Saturday. We have always had great times at the beach in Septemeber and this was no different! Perfect weather, no crowds and beautiful light in the afternoon!
This was Jacob's first visit to the beach ever and Stella's first and only of the season. We aren't really beach people. I worked a lot of summer weekends and we had so much rain that there wasn't a lot of opportunity. Hopefully next summer will be different because Stella LOVED the sand and the water. Jacob seemed to like the sand until he put a handful in his mouth.
There are a gazillion pics and created a slideshow so folks who want to can see them all but here are a few that I liked.

Grammie and Jacob

Jacob with his Grandpa Kitchen!

A rare shot of the four of us.

One of my all time favorite shots of Brian! TeeHee!

I bet he never thought he would be doing anything like this 6 years ago!

Grammie, Grandpa and Stella on the carousel.
She LOVED riding the rides and would get so excited when she saw us! So stinking cute.
I am pretty sure I can speak for all of us that it was a really wonderful day filled with sweet moments and we created memories we will hold in our hearts forever. Ok, that might be a bit much but it was a pretty good day!
I actually got some really beautiful shots of Stella and Brian and thought this was pretty sure to click on it to see it bigger.
Stella in Daddy's arms at 16 days and then again at 2years 8 months.

Stella and Brian in Ocean City, MD September 2008 and Point Pleasant September 2009

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