Friday, November 14, 2008

It ain't easy being a big sister...

We had no idea how Stella would react to a new baby in the house. I guess I sort of assumed she would barely even notice him. But in reality she has been affected by it. Overall I would say she's doing pretty well, but it's been an adjustment and we've had a few hard moments with her. She says "NO" frequently now, and she barely said that before the baby came. It's almost like the arrival of Jacob has brought on the terrible 2's in Stella. Anyway, I think considering how crazy the last week was, with me & her mom being away for a couple of days, plus with the baby coming home, it's not at all surprising that she would act out a bit. I just am not sure if this is the beginning of it or if it's just going to be an initial shock and then she'll be fine.

One of the hard things has been seeing Stella have "sad" moments in the last week. She can be a real feisty kid, so my assumption was that she would react with anger to the baby if she was going to react at all. But instead most of her reactions have been more on the sad side. A good example was when she & I went out to lunch earlier this week. It was just our 2nd day home and we thought it would be good for Stella to get out of the house and away from the baby. We went to Chick Fil A and were sitting and eating and I noticed Stella was just so quiet. She is rarely quiet, so I asked her if she was ok. She looked at me and reached out like she does when she wants us to go somewhere. I leaned into her because I didn't know what she wanted and she leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder. My gosh, it was heartbreaking! Maybe it was just her way of telling me that she was glad we were home...I don't know. She was fine from that moment on but it was really a shock to see her react in such a "grown up"/"I need a hug" way. Ugh.

But she's still the crack up that she's always been and she's made me laugh more than a few times in the week I've been home from work. Two days ago I went up to get her from her nap and she had her 6 stuffed animal friends that stay in her crib all lined up perfectly straight. As I came in she got all excited and had a big look of pride on her face and said "CHOO CHOO!". It was hysterical. Then yesterday when I got her from her nap she had a stuffed animal arranged in each corner of the crib. I couldn't stop laughing. She's ready to get up from her nap now and I can only imagine what is going to be waiting for me.

I'm optimistic that Stella is adjusting and I know she's going to be just fine. It won't be too long before Jake is her playmate and she can show him the ropes. We love you Stella B!

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