Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jacob Cole McGann

He's here! I'm not going to write much as I think Jen should post about her experience as it was intense, to say the least. Jacob was a very big boy, coming in at 9 pounds 4 ounces. He arrived at 4 PM on Thursday, November 6th. To say the delivery was challenging would be an understatement, but again, I'll save those stories for Jen...and the pictures will come later too. Right now we're in the hospital waiting impatiently to be discharged!

Jacob is really amazing. He doesn't cry much at all and he's really flawless. He looks just like Stella did when she was born. He's a big eater and he's doing great. He mostly just sleeps obviously. We're finding that we are so much more relaxed than we were with Stella, which is great. We don't jump up everytime he makes a sound.

There are many, many stories to share from the experience, and we'll probably write about them over time. Stella has been doing really great, although she was definitely confused by seeing her mommy lying in bed with her eyes closed. But she came by last night and did really well, and even pointed at Jake when we asked her where her little brother was. I can't wait to get home and get her back on her routine with us. Grammie has done an amazing job taking care of her and she's very, very happy.

Anyway, Jake & Mommy are doing great and we can't wait to watch him grow up. He's truly a miracle and we feel very blessed to have him. We love you Jacob!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome, JC! :-) Way to go!