Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well Rested Picture Thursday!!!

Jacob slept 9 hours last night! We didn't because we kept waking up and worrying that he hadn't and could we hear him? But he did great and we are hopeful he will repeat this again and again and again! He is 10 weeks old today and doing fabulous! I must say that it is almost astounding how much I love my kids. Stella makes me so proud 400 times a day with her new words and how she is kind (with prodding) and what a sweet girl she can be. Brian put her down for bed tonight and he told me that when he put he blanket on her she said "cozy". I mean come on...what is cuter than that! I feel so blessed to have these two and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! Here are a couple cute pics. I was using a lens I don't use much so forgive me that they might be a tad off.

1 comment:

Susan said...

May it be the first of many long hours of sleep!

Great shots, as always... Love the bun, Stella-boo! :-)