Friday, August 22, 2008

Farley Fun!!!

This week was a busy and fun week! Debbie and the girls came to visit on Tuesday and we went for a swim in the pool....or the poo as Stella calls it. TeeHee. With 4 little girls....well Leah is 13 now and much taller than me....but 3 little girls and Leah to dote on Stella it was nice to relax a little and be able to talk to Debbie. There is nothing like an old friend and the history we have makes even short visits like this one so easy and fun and it was a real boost for me.

Here are some cute pics from the pool

Hannah and Naomi

Grace, Hannah, Stella and Leah

Stella B and a sweet shot of Hannah and Stella! I sure never thought I would have a little girl of my own so to see this is very special!

On Wednesday we went to Philly to see the Liberty Bell and eat Cheesesteak. YAY! We had a blast and the weather was perfect for roaming the city. The girls helped me push the stroller around and watched Stella while I took a number of potty breaks. The bell is still cracked and the cheeseteak is still fabulous! They had never been to Philly and I think they will be back soon. I can only hope as it was only 50 mins from our house! I barely made it back to the car though and was suprisingly tired.

The girls at the Liberty Bell and smiling after Cheesesteaks!

We had planned to go to their campsite on thursday to play in the waterpark and hang out some more but after having some cramping and just not feeling great I thought better of driving 2 hours each way by myself and we stayed home. Stella was quite upset with my decision and reminded me many times by pitching a record number of fits and otherwise pushing my buttons yesterday. Although she cried and whined her way through playgroup she did have some fun seeing her friends. Rebecca has a T-Ball set and Stella went right up to it and put the ball on and tried to hit it with the Bat. No clue how she even knew what to do but it was adorable and she was so proud of herself as it barely rolled off. It was a nice break from the tears. She finally perked up at the sight of her Daddy last night so it was a good finish to a tough day. Here is a shot from playgroup.

Today we had a special treat! A lunch date with Daddy! The weather has been amazing this week. Sunny but not too hot at all. It seems the summer is going too fast and we haven't had as many lunch dates with Brian as last summer or the one before so I packed up some grub and off we went. Our usual spot of Peddie Lake in Hightstown got a small makeover so it is even nicer now. I think they just repaved the sidewalks and replaced the benches but that works great for us! Stella ate great...which you can never count on...and then she walked up and down the path by the lake looking at fish with Daddy and making the occasional pirate noise. TeeHee. Brian tried for a cell phone pic but she was too quick for him! Anyway, it was a really nice end to the week.

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