Friday, August 1, 2008

The McGanns get a pool!

Someday I hope we'll have a nice, big in-ground pool in the backyard of our big house, but for now we have to settle for the $9.54 version from Toys R Us! Since Stella did so well in the kiddie pool at the party she went to yesterday we decided to get one for her. So while mommy made dinner, daddy headed out to Toys R Us to pick it up. The plan was to sneak it into the backyard and fill it with water without her knowing about it, and then we'd eat dinner while the water warmed up in the sun. After dinner, we'd surprise Stella with her new toy. Well, curious gal that she is, Stella was on to us and caught sight of the pool as I was filling it up. Needless to say, she wanted in right away, and threw many moderate to large sized fits as we kept saying "no, after dinner". Somehow, in yet another example of this kid totally surprising me, she had an awesome dinner and ate like a champ. I didn't think she'd even get in her seat. It almost seemed like she had forgotten about the pool. But just after she was done eating, she started pointing to the backyard. So, after a quick change into some swim diapers, it was on to the pool! She went right for it and I put her in, but she immediately wanted out. Too cold, maybe? Anyway, it took a few tries and we had to put her little chair in there with her, but eventually she went for it and she had a blast. So odd that she LOSES HER MIND if she is in a nice, warm tub, but outside in a freezing cold pool, she's loving life. Anyway, here are some photos. We had a great time!

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