Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Music to my ears!

Stella says MaMa!!!! She just started it this past weekend and I never seemed to catch it or if I did I wasn't too sure it was what she meant but yesterday and today she said it a couple times and I couldn't be more thrilled! Even the time she said it while pushing open the bathroom door on me! TeeHee!

Another bit of cuteness....At night we read her books before bed. One night Brian reads and the next night I do. When she starts rubbing her eyes or we run out of books we know it is time for night night. Brian usually puts her in the crib and we both give her big kisses while she clutches her beary. She is usually so mellow and sweet, it is one of my favorite moments of the day. Anyway, the real cuteness started a few nights ago as she points to both Brian and I and we tell her "Mommy loves you" and "Daddy loves you". She totally smiles as she points to each of us. Silly cute!

Finally-We are thrilled to report a decent bath tonight! No one got hurt. Ok, She had a binky in her mouth and Daddy in the tub with her....and 453 toys and I even got out a mirror for her to see how cute she looks in the tub (tip from some parenting board) but she is the cleanest she has been in a while and she didn't lose her mind or end up in a shaking screaming heap so that is HUGE progress!
Anyway, here are a couple adorable pics Brian took this past weekend. Uncle Jonny came to play and though we don't have any pics with him in them he was having a grand time pushing her around in this empty bin.

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